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Terms of service

Welcome you (the "user") to use the services we provide (including but not limited to the applications we publish, referred to as "services"). The publisher of this statement is Appactively Limited, registered and MagicIdea Inc. at FLAT/RM 1405A 14F THE BELGIAN BANK BUILDING NOS.721-725 NATHAN ROAD MONGKOK KOW LOON HK; Common office address: Room 226, GuangHong Building, No.287 DongPing Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou Area, China (Jiangsu) Pilot Free Trade Zone; The contact phone number of the person in charge of information protection is +86-17712605673.Please carefully read and fully understand the following terms. Once you log in to the service, it is deemed that you have fully agreed to all the contents of this agreement, including any modifications we may make to the usage agreement. If you have any objections to any terms of this agreement, you may choose to terminate your login (or stop using the service).

  1. Accept terms and conditions 1.1 We provide services to users in accordance with the terms of this agreement; Once a user successfully logs in, whether accessing our services or publishing any content on our services, it means that the user fully accepts all terms and conditions under this agreement. 1.2 When users use the single service we provide, they should follow the guidelines and rules related to the service. All guidelines and rules constitute a part of this usage agreement.
    1.3 The direct or indirect use of our services and data by users through various means (such as RSS sources and off-site API references) shall be deemed as unconditional acceptance of all contents of this agreement. 1.4 If the user has any objections to any terms of this agreement, please stop using all services we provide. 1.5 Users shall abide by the terms of this agreement and use the services we provide legally and reasonably; Otherwise, we have the right to terminate the provision of services to users in accordance with this agreement. 1.6 We reserve the right to revoke the user's account at any time.

  2. Usage rules 2.1 Users shall bear full responsibility for the authenticity, legality, and validity of the login information provided by us, and shall not impersonate others; Do not use the name of others to publish any information; Do not use the account maliciously to cause other users to mistake it. 2.2 The services we provide are a platform for information sharing, dissemination, and acquisition. The information published by users through our services is public information, and other third parties can obtain the information published by users through our services. Users recognize the publication of any information as public information and bear legal responsibility for this behavior separately; Any information that users do not want to be known to other third parties should not be published on the services we provide. 2.3 The user promises not to use the services we provide in any way to directly or indirectly engage in behaviors that violate Chinese laws and social ethics. The services we provide have the right to delete any content that violates the above commitments. 2.4 Users are not allowed to use our services to create, upload, copy, publish, disseminate, or repost the following content:

Opposing the basic principles established by the constitution; Harming national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity; Harming national honor and interests; Inciting ethnic hatred and discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity; Insulting and abusing the image of heroic martyrs, denying their deeds, and embellishing acts of aggression and war; Disrupting national religious policies, promoting cults and feudal superstitions; Spreading rumors, disrupting social order, and undermining social stability; Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism, or instigating crimes; Insulting or slandering others, infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others; Containing false, fraudulent, harmful, coercive, infringing on the privacy of others, harassing, infringing, defaming, vulgar, obscene, or other morally offensive content; Containing other content restricted or prohibited by Chinese laws, regulations, departmental rules, and any legally binding norms; Contains content that we believe is not suitable for display in the services we provide.

  1. Intellectual Property The service we provide is a platform for information acquisition, sharing, and dissemination. We respect and encourage the content created by users, recognize the importance of protecting intellectual property rights for the survival and development of the services we provide, and promise to make protecting intellectual property rights one of the basic principles of our service operation. 3.1 All original content (including but not limited to discussions and comments) published by the user on our services shall be owned by the user themselves. Users can authorize third parties to use in any way without obtaining consent from the services we provide. 3.2 If a third party, for non-commercial purposes, reposts original content published by users on our services outside of our services, the name of the original author (or the account name used by the original author on our services) should be prominently marked at the beginning of the main text of the work, and the original link to our services should be provided, indicating "published on our services", No modification or interpretation of the work is allowed. If it is necessary to modify the work or use it for commercial purposes, a third party should contact the user to obtain separate authorization and use the content in the manner specified by the user. 3.3 In the services we provide, users should ensure that the content uploaded or published is the copyright owner or has obtained legal authorization, and that the content will not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of any third party. If a third party raises objections about copyright, our services have the right to delete relevant content according to the actual situation, and we have the right to hold users legally responsible. If the services provided to us or any third party causes losses, the user shall be responsible for full compensation. 3.4 If any third party infringes upon the rights of the users of the services we provide, the users agree to authorize the services we provide or their designated agents to represent us or the users to issue warnings, complaints, initiate administrative enforcement, litigation, appeal, or negotiate settlements against the third party, and the users agree to participate in joint rights protection when the services we provide deem necessary. 3.5 We have the right but not the obligation to review the content posted by users for the services we provide. We have the right to process infringing information based on relevant evidence, combined with laws and regulations such as the Tort Liability Law and the Regulations on the Protection of the Right to Information Network Communication, as well as the service guidance principles we provide. Add text paragraph here

  2. Personal privacy 4.1 Unless required by law or authorized government departments, or explicitly authorized by the user in advance, we guarantee that our services will not disclose the user's personal privacy information to the public or to third parties, or the non-public content stored by the user during the use of the service. At the same time, in order to operate and improve the technology and services we provide, our services may collect and use non personal privacy information of users on our own or provide it to third parties, which will help us provide users with a better user experience and service quality.

  3. Disclaimer 5.1 The services we provide cannot guarantee the security and accuracy of the content or comments posted by users. 5.2 The content posted by users on our services only indicates their personal position and viewpoint, and does not represent the position or viewpoint of the services we provide. As the publisher of the content, one must be responsible for the published content on their own. Any disputes arising from the published content shall be the sole legal and joint responsibility of the publisher of the content. We do not assume any legal or joint liability for the services we provide. 5.3 We do not guarantee that the network services we provide will definitely meet the user's requirements, nor do we guarantee that the network services will not be interrupted, nor do we guarantee the timeliness, security, and accuracy of the network services. 5.4 For network service interruptions or other defects caused by force majeure or reasons beyond our control, our services do not assume any responsibility, but we will do our best to minimize the losses and impacts caused to users as a result.

  4. Protocol modification 6.1 Based on the development of the Internet and changes in relevant laws, regulations, and normative documents, or due to business development needs, the services we provide have the right to modify or change the terms of this agreement. Once the content of this agreement changes, the services we provide will publish the modified agreement content on the website, and such publication will be deemed as the service we provide notifying users of the modified content. Our services can also be delivered through on-site messaging, prompting users to modify agreement terms, change services, or other important matters. 6.2 If the user disagrees with the modifications made to the relevant terms of this agreement by the services we provide, they have the right and should stop using the services we provide. If the user continues to use the services we provide, it shall be deemed that the user has accepted the modifications made to the relevant terms of this agreement by the services we provide.

Update date: January 1st, 2024


欢迎你(即「用户」)使用我们提供的服务(包括但不限于我们发布的应用,以「服务」代指),本声明的发布者为Appactively Limited 和苏州众妙技术有限公司联合发布; 注册地址:FLAT/RM 1405A 14F THE BELGIAN BANK BUILDING NOS.721-725 NATHANROAD MONGKOK KOW LOON HK; 常用办公地址:中国(江苏)自由贸易试验区苏州片区苏州工业园区东平街287号广鸿大厦226室; 信息保护负责人联系电话:+86-17712605673。


  1. 接受条款 1.1 我们提供的服务根据本协议的条款为用户提供服务;用户一旦登录成功,无论是进入我们提供的服务,还是在我们提供的服务上发布任何内容,均意味着用户完全接受本协议项下的全部条款。 1.2 用户使用我们提供的单项服务时,应遵守与该服务相关的指引和规则。所有的指引和规则,均构成本使用协议的一部分。 1.3 用户直接或通过各类方式(如 RSS 源和站外 API 引用等)间接使用我们提供的服务和数据的行为,都将被视作已无条件接受本协议全部内容。 1.4 若用户对本协议的任何条款存在异议,请停止使用我们所提供的全部服务。 1.5 用户应遵守本协议各项条款,合法合理使用我们提供的服务;否则,我们有权依据本协议终止为用户提供服务。 1.6 我们保留在任何时候收回用户所使用账号的权利。
  2. 使用规则 2.1 用户须对在我们提供的服务的登录信息的真实性、合法性、有效性承担全部责任,用户不得冒充他人;不得利用他人的名义发布任何信息;不得恶意使用帐号导致其他用户误认。 2.2 我们提供的服务是一个信息分享、传播及获取的平台,用户通过我们提供的服务发表的信息为公开的信息,其他第三方均可以通过我们提供的服务获取用户发表的信息,用户对任何信息的发表即认可该信息为公开的信息,并单独对此行为承担法律责任;任何用户不愿被其他第三人获知的信息都不应该在我们提供的服务上进行发表。 2.3 用户承诺不得以任何方式利用我们提供的服务直接或间接从事违反中国法律以及社会公德的行为,我们提供的服务有权对违反上述承诺的内容予以删除。 2.4 用户不得利用我们提供的服务制作、上传、复制、发布、传播或者转载如下内容: 反对宪法所确定的基本原则的; 危害国家安全,泄露国家秘密,颠覆国家政权,破坏国家统一的; 损害国家荣誉和利益的; 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结的; 侮辱、滥用英烈形象,否定英烈事迹,美化粉饰侵略战争行为的; 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的; 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的; 散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的; 侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的; 含有虚假、诈骗、有害、胁迫、侵害他人隐私、骚扰、侵害、中伤、粗俗、猥亵、或其他道德上令人反感的内容; 含有中国法律、法规、(部门)规章以及任何具有法律效力之规范所限制或禁止的其他内容的; 含有我们提供的服务认为不适合在我们提供的服务展示的内容。
  3. 知识产权 我们提供的服务是一个信息获取、分享及传播的平台,我们尊重和鼓励用户创作的内容,认识到保护知识产权对我们提供的服务生存与发展的重要性,承诺将保护知识产权作为我们提供的服务运营的基本原则之一。 3.1 用户在我们提供的服务上发表的全部原创内容(包括但不仅限于讨论和评论),著作权均归用户本人所有。用户可授权第三方以任何方式使用,不需要得到我们提供的服务的同意。 3.2 第三方若出于非商业目的,将用户在我们提供的服务上发表的原创内容转载在我们提供的服务之外的地方,应当在作品的正文开头的显著位置注明原作者姓名(或原作者在我们提供的服务上使用的帐号名称),给出我们提供的服务原始链接,注明「发表于我们提供的服务」,并不得对作品进行修改演绎。若需要对作品进行修改,或用于商业目的,第三方应当联系用户获得单独授权,按照用户规定的方式使用该内容。 3.3 在我们提供的服务上传或发表的内容,用户应保证其为著作权人或已取得合法授权,并且该内容不会侵犯任何第三方的合法权益。如果第三方提出关于著作权的异议,我们提供的服务有权根据实际情况删除相关的内容,且有权追究用户的法律责任。给我们提供的服务或任何第三方造成损失的,用户应负责全额赔偿。 3.4 如果任何第三方侵犯了我们提供的服务用户相关的权利,用户同意授权我们提供的服务或其指定的代理人代表我们提供的服务自身或用户对该第三方提出警告、投诉、发起行政执法、诉讼、进行上诉,或谈判和解,并且用户同意在我们提供的服务认为必要的情况下参与共同维权。 3.5 我们提供的服务有权但无义务对用户发布的内容进行审核,有权根据相关证据结合《侵权责任法》、《信息网络传播权保护条例》等法律法规及我们提供的服务指导原则对侵权信息进行处理。在此处添加文本段落
  4. 个人隐私 4.1 除法律或有法律赋予权限的政府部门要求或事先得到用户明确授权等原因外,我们提供的服务保证不对外公开或向第三方透露用户个人隐私信息,或用户在使用服务时存储的非公开内容。同时,为了运营和改善我们提供的技术与服务,我们提供的服务将可能会自行收集使用或向第三方提供用户的非个人隐私信息,这将有助于我们向用户提供更好的用户体验和服务质量。
  5. 免责申明 5.1 我们提供的服务不能对用户发布的内容或评论的安全性、正确性进行保证。 5.2 用户在我们提供的服务发表的内容仅表明其个人的立场和观点,并不代表我们提供的服务的立场或观点。作为内容的发表者,需自行对所发表内容负责,因所发表内容引发的一切纠纷,由该内容的发表者承担全部法律及连带责任。我们提供的服务不承担任何法律及连带责任。 5.3 我们提供的服务不保证网络服务一定能满足用户的要求,也不保证网络服务不会中断,对网络服务的及时性、安全性、准确性也都不作保证。 5.4 对于因不可抗力或我们提供的服务不能控制的原因造成的网络服务中断或其它缺陷,我们提供的服务不承担任何责任,但将尽力减少因此而给用户造成的损失和影响。
  6. 协议修改 6.1 根据互联网的发展和有关法律、法规及规范性文件的变化,或者因业务发展需要,我们提供的服务有权对本协议的条款作出修改或变更,一旦本协议的内容发生变动,我们提供的服务将会在网站上公布修改之后的协议内容,该公布行为视为我们提供的服务已经通知用户修改内容。我们提供的服务也可采用站内消息的传送方式,提示用户协议条款的修改、服务变更、或其它重要事项。 6.2 如果不同意我们提供的服务对本协议相关条款所做的修改,用户有权并应当停止使用我们提供的服务。如果用户继续使用我们提供的服务,则视为用户接受我们提供的服务对本协议相关条款所做的修改。 更新日期:2024 年 01 月 01 日